Citation: Periodontol 2000. 2019 Oct;81(1):18-28. Authors: Georgios A. Kotsakis Abstract: The field of clinical implant research has been flourishing in recent years. The number of related publications has been on the…
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Citation: Periodontol 2000. 2019 Oct;81(1):18-28. Authors: Georgios A. Kotsakis Abstract: The field of clinical implant research has been flourishing in recent years. The number of related publications has been on the…
Citation: Gerodontology. 2018 Dec;35(4):282-289. Authors: Philippe Pierre Hujoel, Margaux Louise A. Hujoel, Georgios A. Kotsakis Abstract: To conduct a systematic review of randomised trials assessing the asso- ciation between personal oral hygiene…
Citation: J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2018 Oct;106(7):2645-2652. Authors: Ioannis. K. Karoussis, Kyriaki Kyriakidou, Joseph Papaparaskevas, Ioannis A. Vrotsos, Mara Simopoulou, Georgios A. Kotsakis Abstract: Bacterial peri-implant biofilms, and the chemotherapeutics for their removal…