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Citation: J Periodontol. 2022 Jun;93(6):924-932.

Authors: Ryushiro Sugita, Archie A. Jones, Georgios A. Kotsakis, David L. Cochran

Abstract: A novel bone adhesive (tetracalcium phosphate and O-phospho-L-serine) has been developed as an osteoconductive, biodegradable bone-adherent material. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the maintenance of crestal bone/material level by standardized radiographs. This was a randomized, controlled, three arm, prospective study. Twenty-six mixed breed hound dogs were included in this study. Three implants were placed on either side of the mandible with either bone adhesive (BA), bovine bone mineral (BBM), or no biomaterial (negative control [NC]). Standardized periapical radiographs were taken immediately after implant placement and at every month up to 1 year. The vertical distance between the implant platform to the first radiopaque material on both the mesial and distal surfaces were measured and crestal bone/material level changes were analyzed. The crestal bone/material level adjacent to BA was stable and maintained throughout the study. There were statistically significant differences found between BA and NC in terms of maintenance of crestal bone levels at any given timepoint. This study demonstrated that BA maintained crestal bone levels and had a similar ability to maintain that level over 1 year compared with BBM.

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