Citation: Periodontol 2000. 2022 Feb;88(1):52-63.
Authors: Georgios A. Kotsakis, Georgios E. Romanos
Abstract: Implant site preparation is a critical stage of implant surgery that may underpin various complications related to implant surgery. This review discusses the latest available scientific information on risk factors related to implant site preparation. The role of the drilling process in relation to the density of the available alveolar bone, the effects of insertion torque on peri-implant osseous healing, and implant-related variables such as macrodesign and implant-abutment connection are all factors that can influence implant success. Novel information that links osteotomy characteristics (including methods to improve implant initial stability, the impact of drilling speed, and increase of the implant insertion torque modifying the bone-implant interface) with the appropriate instrumentation techniques will be discussed, as well as interactions at the bone-biomaterial interface that may lead to biologic complications mediated by implant dissolution products.